How to not eat a years worth of calories on this day of gluttony and thanks

I love the holidays and Thanksgiving is a favorite in my book. What’s not to like about it? One gets to spend an entire day with family, cook delicious mouth watering food, watch football (if you enjoy the sport) and be able to appreciate all the wonderful things we are blessed to have.

Well, my down fall to this beautiful holiday is tying to remain on a diet and not consume so many calories that I have to work out twice as hard to return to the weight I originally started. Every year, I lose track of my goals and eat SOO much food. I pile my plate and eat until I am in a food coma and cannot move. I think this American holiday is plotting against me. It always tricks me and right after the holidays I end up going to extremes to try and detox all the sugary goodness out of my system.

So here’s my game plan,

Morning/Early Afternoon:

  • Have a 20 oz. hemp protein-chia seed-berry smoothie smoothie for breakfast.
  • Clean the bathroom
  • Drink 40 oz.’s of water
  • Work on some homework
  • Do some yoga in my room


  • Spend time with Michael’s family
  • Snack LGHTLY, only one palm sized snack before dinner
  • Drink another 40 oz.’s of water
  • When it comes to dinnertime, only make a small plate full of food. Keep drinking water and no wine. Wine makes me not give a crap about food quantity consumption. Plus, it adds more calories then I realize.
  • Hide out in my room and watch movies until everyone leaves.

It’s sad that I need such a plan in order to conquer the dinner table. I have control issues with food and my weight hasn’t changed. I have been working out twice a week and going yoga twice a week. At the gym I burn around 500 calories in an hour and at yoga I burn about 170 in an hour. I think that I may be eating too much. A game plan helps me not say “Screw it!”.

Well I am off to clean the bathroom.

Namaste and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Make sure to eat breakfast before going beast mode


Always make sure you eat before a workout..

I made that mistake today. For some unknown reason, this morning I just jumped out of bed and went to the gym. My boyfriend and I had tons to do and I slept in later than I normally have been. Michael isn’t very patient when it comes to getting earns done and I was not going to miss out on the gym today.

I could not figure out why I was so exhausted. Then it hit me, I totally forgot breakfast. Which is strange because I am always hungry. I plan dinner the night before and even think about food all day long. Since I have been working out, I haven’t been so hungry. I didn’t have dinner tonight either. Today, I have eaten an apple, part of a muffin (Costco), half a BLT, fries, a little bit of cheese and a few tortilla chips. I have eaten roughly 1265 calories and burned about 510 calories at the gym. Not sure if this is good or not because according to myfitnesspal, my goal is to eat 1600 calories a day. Maybe today I just don’t need as much as I usually think I do. I have been drinking plenty of water, I think I have drank over 70 Fl Oz, yippee!

I wanted to research why my heart rate was so high at the gym today. I know that our bodies run off glycogen, which is a form of glucose stored in our muscle and liver cells. After our bodies burn through those stored carbohydrates, we will start feeling tired and maybe dizzy if there isn’t enough energy to burn.

Why does our heart rate rise more than when we eat?!

I’ve been looking it up, and according to, “not eating before you exercise can be just as bad as eating too much. Low blood sugar levels can make you feel weak, faint or tired, and your mental abilities may be affected as well, making you slower to react.”

Well that doesn’t answer my question.. I was a little fatigued but not exhausted. I just noticed my heart rate was higher than normal. My boyfriend was explaining that because my I don’t have any carbs to burn, my body was using up the glycogen reserves, and because those are stored in my muscles than it has to work harder to burn?

Not sure if his logic is correct but it sounds good. If anyone knows, please let me know. I am quite curious. 🙂

Tomorrow is my yoga day! I am so consumed into yoga it’s ridiculous. The days that I do yoga are my favorite days of the week and I am so blessed to be able to be apart of the studio.. It really makes me excited to start teaching one day. I wonder how the teachers know what to say. Do the yoga instructors just go along with the flow? Memorize different pose sequences? Some of the teachers at my studio have such an intuitive teaching technique. It is extremely fascinating.

Tomorrow’s menu:

Breakfast- Banana, berries, yogurt, orange juice, hemp protein smoothie

Snack: apple and cereal bar

Lunch- Spinach kale salad, cheese and goddess dressing, PBJ, chips and salsa

Dinner- Spaghetti (maybe vegetarian and small portions)

Oh and I realized my username on MyFitnessPal is Aubrieana4Peace, incase you would like to add me. 🙂 I am pretty good about posting meals and commenting on friends acomplishments.

Until next time,


College midterm and gym adventures



My teacher takes forever to post grades. I usually don’t mind too much but the midterm I took on Thursday was worth 40% of my total grade. My grade was just posted and I got a…

96%!!!! So freaking excited! I about near had a heart attack because after 4 days of wondering, I had convinced myself I had failed big time. So seeing that score put me in the best mood ever. Math is not my strongest subject and STAT’s isn’t the easiest of classes. I am thinking that I should reward myself.. possibly by buying myself a nice shinny new snowboarding jacket for my birthday (November 17th). 🙂 Thanksgiving is when Mt. Bachelor opens and Michaels mom was kind enough to buy Michael and I season passes! 

It took all my strength this morning to drag myself out of bed to go to the gym before slinging coffees. I was so tired but as soon as I walked in the gym, I woke up immediately. I ran for 12 miles and did other cardio for the remaining hour and I burned over 500 calories. I hope to do this 3 days and also do yoga 3 days as well. This should be a good start on my weight loss. I keep focusing on next summer and what I will look like. I keep imagining myself being so happy and healthy. I imagine people noticing and giving me compliments. I think about how my ankles wont hurt as much. These are the things that keep me going.

Having an Instagram has proven to be beneficial as well. I like posting random fitspo images and saying I find on Google or Pinterest. I also find that myfitnesspal is a wonderful app for keeping track of my progress and calorie intake. 

If you have an account, please add me!

Instagram: yogawithcurves

Well off to write my History paper.


myfitnesspal: yogawithcurves